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  • General Article,  kids health

    How To Look After Your Children’s Health During The Summer

    As a parent, the school summer holidays can often be a challenging time. Although your children are likely thrilled at the idea of having no school for a month and a half, there is the issue of what you can do to keep them entertained during this time. As well as this, it’s likely that you will worry that your child’s routine or healthy habits are going to be neglected in place of the TV, junk food and long lie-ins.

    The summer holidays are a time where, as a family, you can enjoy and experience fun new things together, but it’s always important to keep an eye on your child’s health and wellbeing during this time. With that in mind, here are some ideas as to how you can ensure your kids stay healthy this summer.

    Watch What They Eat

    As your child is still growing, it is hugely important that they are getting the right balance of nutrients. It is suggested that children should have a diet which is rich in vitamin A, C, D, iron, calcium and omega-3. But, as we all know, telling children to stop eating junk food is one of many losing battles, so the best thing you can do is to offer them a healthier alternative which tastes just as good.

    If you are worried about their vitamin and nutrient intake, then different health supplements, including fish oil capsules and chewable vitamins are one of the best ways you can ensure they are getting enough. There are now tasty, chewable forms of high strength fish oil so that kids can’t complain of a fishy taste.

    Make Sure They Are Staying Active

    Research suggests that kids need around an hour of physical activity each day. Whilst this may not seem like much, but it is important that you try to keep your children as active as you can during the summer break. There are likely to be plenty of different sports clubs in your area which are running summer sessions for your children to take part in and meet new people, but you could …

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  • General Article,  medicine

    Recognize the Type of Cough and its Treatment

    Coughing is one of the most common symptoms that treatment can be obtained in pharmacies or online pharmacies that are now many and easily accessible to anyone. Cough reflexes are an important part of the body’s defense mechanism. Together with other mechanisms, coughing helps to protect the lungs from inhaled particles. The air drive during coughing will push the particle out of the airway. You can visit “Canadian Pharmacy Online” to find relevant information.

    Coughing helps the body to get rid of excess phlegm and other irritants. Physical efforts from stubborn coughing can increase airway disorders and cause patients to suffer.

    Coughing can be classified based on the duration of a cough. An acute cough lasts less than three weeks and is generally due to acute respiratory infections. Coughing that lasts more than three weeks, but less than eight weeks is classified as a sub-acute cough, while a cough that has lasted for more than eight weeks is referred to as a chronic cough.

    Types of a cough

    Coughing is often explained as a cough with phlegm or a dry cough.

    A phlegm cough is a cough that produces phlegm or mucus. Mucus can be runny in shape so that it can be swallowed or removed with saliva, or it can be called an ‘a cough with phlegm’, the mucus in the lungs gathering.

    Dry coughs or unproductive coughs are often referred to as coughing, itching, or irritating coughs. A dry cough can be caused by air pollution, dust, or changes in temperature, as well as various other medical conditions, including asthma.

    There are a number of things you can do to relieve a cough including:

    1. Drink plenty of water

    Coughs and colds cause a condition that occurs when excessive mucus builds up in the back of the throat. By drinking lots of water, it can help to reduce the mucus that builds up behind the nose. By drinking lots of water, or warm water added with honey, ginger or other herbs can also help your throat feel better.

    1. Soak warm water

    Warm baths not only help …

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  • General Article,  public health

    Do You Need To Take Health Supplements Now That It Is Winter?

    Whilst vitamins and minerals are essential for our health, it can be particularly difficult to get them from our diet and lifestyle during the winter months. We’re more likely to stay indoors to keep warm and snack on comfort food to get us through the cold nights.

    But, certain minerals and vitamins can help our overall health in the winter and work to fight against illnesses and infections. After a summer full of fruit, salads and other healthy foods, it is highly tempting to turn to the comfort of warming and stodgy foods, snacks and drinks which don’t always provide us with the best range of vitamins and minerals.

    If you don’t have a healthy diet, then it is advisable to take health supplements or probiotic tablets to keep your levels topped up and steady. But what supplements and vitamins should you be taking over the winter months?

    Vitamin D

    We typically get most of our vitamin D intake from the sunlight, but in the winter months, that can prove difficult. The main benefit that our bodies get from vitamin D is that it helps to boost the immune system and help to prevent infection from colds and flu.

    Vitamin D also helps our vital organs to work efficiently and prevents diseases such as rickets. A new study has also found that vitamin D can help to protect against asthma attacks, which become more common in the winter as they can be sparked by the cold air.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is a key vitamin for the winter months and it has been shown to protect against the common cold virus. It can also help to keep the cells in the body healthy, as well as assist in the production of collagen, which is a protein that is responsible for the health of tissues and organs, including the skin, teeth and bones. It has also been found to help lower cholesterol levels, too.


    Iron is an essential vitamin that is used when forming red blood cells that transport oxygen around the body. A regular intake of iron …

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  • General Article,  health news

    The Most Powerful, Easy-To-Find Teeth Medication in Your Home

    A toothache often occurs by the community. This is caused by eating careless food and because of lazy toothbrushes. Because a toothache is very disturbing to human activities, many people want drugs to relieve it quickly. You can easily get toothache medications at pharmacies or at online pharmacies such as the Canadian Pharmacy Online according to your needs.

    Until now many drugs are available to cure it. But not all of them can be fast to restore the condition of the teeth. Below are some of the most effective ways to relieve a toothache to speed up healing.

    1. Using cold water compresses

    This one method is the simplest treatment technique. Besides being easy to practice, this one ingredient is also easy to find. The advantage of using this cold water compress is that it can stop the pain that occurs because the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth are constantly moving.

    Use cold water for healing teeth

    How to use this treatment technique is to first prepare ice water in the bottle, then attach it to the cheek that is close to the sore tooth. Then let stand for one to two minutes.

    1. Gargling with a salt solution

    Gargling with salt solution is indeed a way that has been around for a long time. Because this method is the first step if you don’t have a medicine from a doctor. The content in salt serves to relieve pain in the teeth. Therefore, many parents recommend this technique before going to the doctor.

    Salt solutions are widely used to cure a toothache

    How to make a salt solution and use it is to prepare a glass of water and one tablespoon. After that boil the water until boiling. If you have mixed salt into the water and stir until it dissolves. Next, if the water is warm, then gargle. Do this method until the teeth don’t hurt anymore.

    1. Using a solution of lime

    This is also a recipe for healing existing teeth from the past. Because the technique of treatment other than to cure the pain that is on …

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